Hello, my name is Mark and for the last 36 years I have been involved with adventure games.
I have been (in this particular order):
I have been (in this particular order):
1. Player
King's Quest: Quest for the Crown. That's more how it looked (CGA)
We also had Space Quest, Police Quest, Larry and after that followed hundreds of others...
We also had Space Quest, Police Quest, Larry and after that followed hundreds of others...
2. Buyer
3. Collector

although this is only a small selection of what I had at the time.
I scoured car boots, flea markets, auctions and eventually the virtual markets to add more games to my shelf that would take at least five lifetimes to complete.
Besides the games themselves, I also collected the magazine reviews, advertisement posters, merchandise, anything really.
I scoured car boots, flea markets, auctions and eventually the virtual markets to add more games to my shelf that would take at least five lifetimes to complete.
Besides the games themselves, I also collected the magazine reviews, advertisement posters, merchandise, anything really.
4. Trader

Connected with other enthusiast via forums and platforms such as Game Trading Zone to find that particular obscure game, which no one had. Reason for this is because it was rubbish. And because of that I wanted it. Would never play it though. At some point I looked around my home and realised there was no more space to put these big freaking boxes. I also wondered what the world outside my computer screen would look like and started travelling.
5. Seller

So I started selling them. First game I ever sold was Quest for Glory Anthology for €40. That was back in 2001 when I lived in Amsterdam. The guy rang the doorbell, I handed him the game, he handed me the cash. And we were both happy. And so started my selling journey, which lasts till this very day, having sold over a 1000 different (adventure) games.
Most of the items were auctioned on eBay, but for various reasons (you know the one) I'm not dealing with them anymore.
Most of the items were auctioned on eBay, but for various reasons (you know the one) I'm not dealing with them anymore.
6. Restorer

Not all games arrived in the best shape, so to make boxes presentable (and able to stand on a shelf), I learned how to straighten creases, fix torn corners, remove store/price stickers and other nasty stuff. (without destroying them).
7. Let's Player

On my Youtube channel there is plenty to look at:
the majority of videos (100+) are Demo Let's Plays; short playthroughs that usually show some unused footage, a different voice actor, that kind of thing. There is some random archive footage, my collection of advertisements, a few unboxings and two full length let's plays: 11 Somerset (a browser game) and The New Adventures of the Time Machine.
the majority of videos (100+) are Demo Let's Plays; short playthroughs that usually show some unused footage, a different voice actor, that kind of thing. There is some random archive footage, my collection of advertisements, a few unboxings and two full length let's plays: 11 Somerset (a browser game) and The New Adventures of the Time Machine.
8. Promoter

Created this simple website, dedicated to my passion, first called Gamecareer and later changed it to Gamecare.
Apart from this page, you can also see a Blog and the Spotlight
(two games that stand out,
The Dig and Martian Gothic)
Apart from this page, you can also see a Blog and the Spotlight
(two games that stand out,
The Dig and Martian Gothic)
9. Supporter
I supported some games, mostly oldschool developers projects, trying to relive their glory days :)
10. Beta Tester

In 2016 I became a beta tester for the game Transcend, which was released in 2017 under the name Conarium. Darkness Within: In Pursuit of Loath Nolder (my favourite horror game of all time) was also produced by them (Zoetrope Interactive).
Is there anything else? Well....
Is there anything else? Well....
11. Archiver
Over the years I kept an Excel sheet to which I added the game once I played it. Name of the game, year, developer etc.
More titles were added as time went by: games I wanted to play, games I couldn't play (because they were cancelled) etc. I also added details like when I played it, if I completed it or what I thought about it. Links to websites, easter eggs, you name it. |
So, looking at all this three letters might spring to mind:
which I believe stands for Over Caring Behaviour. And I agree, I do overcare.

That's because Adventure games taught me most of my English, enhanced my problem solving capability, showed me incredible worlds and places and introduced me to wonderful characters. But most importantly it taught me exactly how much wood a woodchuck would chuck. If a woodchuck would chuck wood that is.

In other words, it brought me laughter, tears and unforgettable experiences.
So this is my way of saying thanks!
So this is my way of saying thanks!
Good for you Mark, but....What exactly is Gamecare?