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- PC (IBM, Tandy)
PC (IBM, Tandy)

Secret of Monkey Island, The (Atari ST, English)

Cold Fear (Bradygames Official Strategy Guide)

Darkseed II (MAC, USA, sealed)

Last Ninja, The (USA, C64/128)

Silent Hill Demo (PS1, Dutch-English)

Silent Hill 4 (PC, USA, complete)

Alone in the Dark 2 (PC, EU-English-3.5")

Ankh 2 Heart of Osiris (PC-CD-English)

Another World (Amiga, English)

Ankh: Special Edition (PC-German)

Babes in Toyland (PC/MAC-USA, sealed)

Bard's Tale II (Apple II, English)

Blood II - Nightmare Levels (PC-UK)

Bug's Life, a (PC-EU English, sealed)

Chaos Engine, The: Special Edition (Amiga, UK)

Clandestiny (PC-USA, sealed)

Dame was Loaded, The (PC-USA)

Darby the Dragon (PC/MAC-USA, sealed)

Final Fight (Atari ST, UK)

Fort Boyard: De Legende (PC, Dutch)

Full Throttle: Limited Edition (MAC, USA)

Gobliins 2: The Prince Buffoon (PC-CD-USA)

Gold Rush! (Amiga, English)

Griezelbus 1, De (PC/MAC-Dutch, sealed)

Griezelbus 2, De (PC/MAC-Dutch)

Grim Fandango (PC, EU English)